Influencing the Culture with a Biblical Worldview

- Real Impact

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Our Ministry

To preserve and promote a biblical worldview in all spheres of society, culture, and public policy.

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Real Impact highlights the most important news of the week regarding issues of concern to Christians. Check out our most recent news bulletin by clicking below.

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Without the influence and voice of citizens to shape the laws impacting our church and family, all that we value is undermined. We monitor state and federal legislation to help you protect all that you value. Be informed. Be active.

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Real Impact
Online Forum

“The online forums are designed for church culture impact teams, church staff, as well as pastors. Our purpose is to provide support, practical training, and information about how to influence our community, state, and nation with a biblical worldview.”

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Comprehensive Sexual Education

Scripture teaches us that parents have the sole right to direct the training and care of their children. Without these natural rights, the state could interfere with raising godly children. Sadly, the public school’s system of sex education for students is interfering and usurping parental rights. We offer resources for understanding the issue and for finding solutions.


California Pastors' Round Table Webinar

Join Pastor Jack Hibbs for a monthly LIVE webinar exclusively for pastors, church staff, and culture impact leaders. The purpose is to raise awareness of current issues impacting the Church and to be a resource for pastors who want to be well-informed and pro-active in retaining the biblical values that were once embraced in California.

Election Resources

Our goal is to educate, equip, and encourage Christians to make well-informed decisions when voting. We offer non-partisan voter resources that can be used by an individual or a church.

  • Register to Vote & Check Status
  • Election & Voter Information
  • Track Your Ballot
  • Voter Guides

Culture Impact Teams

Start a Culture Impact Team at your church. The CIT ministry monitors social issues and legislation through the lens of Scripture. The information is then provided to the pastor and church body with the goal of educating, equipping, and encouraging Christians to have a godly influence on our society and culture.

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  • Find Culture Impact Team Resources
  • Connect with Real Impact

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Stay informed about the proposed laws that affect your faith, family, and freedom. Bookmark the Real Impact website for the most current updates.